I ran into an issue today while using the Aliases feature in Sitecore. What I was trying to do was put the following Aliases in and pointing them to some internal item.
- TR
- SR
However, when I tested it out, it was returning an error in my page instead of redirecting to the corresponding target item. I tried to republish, remove any redirect logic or IIS redirects to isolate the issue, but the problem persisted.
Then it dawned on me, that Sitecore maybe using this 2 letters as a language key. Which seemed to turn out to be true. When I tried to use something like:
- http://hostname/en (works)
- http://hostname/tr (fail) - this basically translates to fetch me the Turkish content
- http://hostname/sr (fail) - this basically translates to fetch me the Serbian content
So basically, SC is resolving these 2 letter links as sort of language switches.
So for now, I'd be refraining from using any two-letter combo for Aliases in the list provided in this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
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